The money room will accumulate unassigned money bags for a few reasons:
- Money was physically collected for a Service visit
- There is an unassigned money bag with the same bag #
- Money bag # data entry error
Money was physically collected for a Service visit
- The visit type was not changed from Service to Collect and the driver physically collected money
- To clarify, Gimme Field users can collect for a visit that was originally scheduled as a Service Visit, more on how to do this late
How to verify if this is the cause:
- Use the Accountability View on the Operations page by selecting the "eye" toggle and filtering to the route you are currently counting
- On the left, visit types are designated as service by a blue icon containing the letter "S" and collect visits contain a purple icon with the letter "C"
- Sort the Bag # column to search for the unassigned bag number turned in by the driver
- If the bag number is missing, confirm with your driver where the money was collected from
To resolve it:
then follow these steps to How to Change the Visit Type for a Completed Visit
- This will allow you to change the visit type and add the money bag for the visit in Gimme VMS
- Next, you will need to Manually assign a money bag to a visit
There is an unassigned money bag with the same bag #
- If there are unassigned bags from previous counting sessions and the same money bag number is used again, Gimme will not assume the associated visit and create a duplicate unassigned bag with the current date
- For this reason, it is a best practice to reconcile all unassigned bags prior to counting
How to verify if this is the cause:
- On the main Money Room screen, tap the red banner that says, "You have (#) unassigned bags..."
- Look for duplicate money bag numbers
To resolve this:
- Tap on the unassigned bag and Manually assign a money bag to a visit
Money bag # data entry error
- There are two possible sources for the data entry error:
- The Gimme Field user entered the incorrect bag number during the visit
- The person counting in the money room entered the wrong bag # on the coin counter
- If this error is caught during counting, verify the bag number used for counting and compare to what displays in Gimme
- Next, use the Accountability View on the Operations page to see what the driver entered into Gimme Field as the bag number
- If this is a driver error, edit the bag number by following the steps for How to Change the Visit Type for a Completed Visit and skip changing the visit type
- If this is an error made on the coin counter, open the unassigned bag, edit the bag number, then manually assign the visit
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