For details about the Taxes page and how taxes work in Gimme, see Taxes in Gimme
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How to add a new Tax Area:
- Click on the three lines in the top left corner, and go to the Taxes page
- From the Taxes page, select the Add a Tax button at the top right
- A new window will pop up
- The only required fields are Code and Taxes: (Tax Rules)
- A Tax Code is not auto-generated, but it can be anything you want
- Here are the Tax Area fields and how they display on the Taxes page:
How to add a Tax Rule
- Select the + Add Tax button
- Again, the Code and Description can be anything you want them to be
- Select the + Add Tax Rule button
- Select the Product Family this tax rule will be applied to
- Select the red arrow beneath Vending, Micro Market, and/or Delivery to add the Tax Rate or Amount