Inventory the Warehouse
Verify for all staff members who will count products in the warehouse:
- Have the Warehouse user permission in VMS > Settings > Users (do not share usernames and passwords)
- Each iPad, or iPhone, has the latest version of Gimme Field (click link or scan the Qr Code) and the latest version of the device's iOS downloaded
(Suggested Method) How to complete a warehouse inventory after completing all pick orders:
- In Gimme, open the top left, three-line menu button
- Select Warehouses
- Select the Inventory tab
- Select Start Inventory
- Now that Inventory is "Active," users in Gimme Field can open the Warehouse page and select Make Inventory
- Users count in one or more units of measure
- Ex: There is an unopened box containing 24 eaches of Snickers and 5 loose Snickers. Users can count 1 box of Snickers and 5 eaches of Snickers. Gimme will combine the total on-hand inventory of snickers as 29 eaches with the knowledge of 1 unopened box within that total. (Separate and total units of measure are used for superpower calculations and transfers - which can also be moved by unit of measure)
- On-hand counts populate in Gimme as the inventory process progresses
- Users can view who has counted which products
- What has or has not been counted
- Edit counted products in Gimme
- Bring backs are held in a separate column to prevent incorrect counts
- Complete by selecting Finish Inventory
- After selecting this, users in Field will no longer have access to counting in Gimme Field
How to complete a warehouse inventory after a zone has been picked, and other areas are still being picked
- Follow the same process above, except reserve picking snacks for last
- After picking snacks away from the pick line, have a user from a different iPad count products on the pick line to provide management clarity on counting that occurred before and after picking
How to remove, but not archive, products from the warehouse
From the Active Inventory screen, toggle to Not Inventoried and click/tap under the Not Present column.
This will unlist/remove/zero out the product from this specific warehouse. The product will not be archived.
Additionally, marking products as Not Present can be done independently from counting, or during the same active inventory where warehouse product is counted. Any product not counted will remain unchanged.
Other notes
- Multiple users can count at the same time
- Multiple users can count the same product without overwriting each other's count
- If two people count the same product, it will be totaled in Gimme VMS
- Management can select an individual product in the Active Inventory list to see user count quantities by unit of measure
- Counting can happen before visits are completed for the day
- Finalizing a warehouse inventory can occur before visits are completed for the day
- Bring backs will be automatically allocated back to the warehouse either way
- If a warehouse inventory is finalized before visits are completed for the day, the bring back column will not display bring backs for incomplete visits
- Products on the Not Counted screen do not need to be counted to finalize an inventory
- This allows users to complete partial warehouse inventories
- There are plans for adding filters to the Not Counted screen to assist with partial inventories
- This screen is available for management to confirm all products have been counted after a full warehouse inventory and zero out any products that are no longer physically in the warehouse
- This allows users to complete partial warehouse inventories
- Users in Field do not finalize a warehouse inventory, this action is completed only in Gimme VMS
- Current on-hand quantities will not change with this software update