Occasionally, there may be times when Gimme VMS users notice an issue where the decimal placement multiplier is incorrect in the DEX parser configuration for some machine models. For example, the DEX O/S displays a high number, such as -$1,386.00, as shown in the image below.
When you notice this has happened, you should send in a support ticket to Gimme with the following details:
- POS number
- Equipment information, i.e., name and model
- What the decimal placement multiplier should be, i.e., DEX O/S shows -$1,386.00 it should be -$13.86.
Once Gimme receives this information, we will correct it.
*Note this article details how to correct decimal placement multiplier issues and not a resolution of a true DEX O/S issue. For more information about DEX O/S, click the link: Meter O/S vs. DEX O/S.