If your driver misses or skips a visit, these instructions will show you how to move a visit to another day and skip the pick order if necessary. This can also be used to move a future visit to another day or change the visit type.
Tap/Click the three line menu button located at the top left of your screen
Tap/Click the Schedule page
Tap/Click the red POS button to choose the skipped machine
Tap/Click Edit Schedule located at the top left of your screen
Tap/Click the empty square below the date you wish to alter
Once you highlight the square, you can change the visit to None, Collect, Service, or Inventory
Note that if you’re moving a visit to the next day and do not need an additional bin picked, you can select the day after the skipped visit and click/tap Skip Pick Order to eliminate a pick order for an additional bin. The max amount of days that can be skipped is three. After three days, you will need to generate a new pick order.