This feature lets you arrange your driver’s stops in any desired order. This way you can “sequence” your driver's route in a loop, visit a priority customer first, start with the farthest destination, etc.
- Click/Tap the three-line menu button located on the top left of your screen
- Click/Tap the Schedule page
- Click/Tap the red circle with three dots located at the top right of your screen
- Click/Tap Edit Sequence to open the Stop Sequence page
- Click/Tap the red Route button to select the route
- Click/Tap the red Today button to chose the day you wish to alter
- From here you will see the driver’s scheduled stops in individual bubbles
- Click/Tap and drag the stop that you wish to rearrange
*Note: This view will not show every POS on the driver's schedule it will only show every unique location. The customized sequence will save the order for the next time the driver has the same or similar schedule.*